Announcing an ID3v2 wiki...
Ben Bennett
2006-12-15 05:37:11 UTC
Anyway, if you are serious about this we should set up a wiki
somewhere (I can host it I suppose) and make some sample frames that
we can use for conformance testing. Then maintain a compatability
matrix of the various programs with respect to the sample frames.
We should also open the 2.4 spec up for comments, but restrict it
solely to clarifications.
I want to make a separate document that updates the programming
guidelines and discusses how to write "safe" tags.
Comments? Who is with me?
So, I finally got around to starting work on this. I have a wiki set
up with some rudimentary content. I will be revising and adding
stuff. Please look, comment, and add to it!


Dan O'Neill
2006-12-17 21:33:31 UTC
Post by Ben Bennett
Anyway, if you are serious about this we should set up a wiki
somewhere (I can host it I suppose) and make some sample frames that
we can use for conformance testing. Then maintain a compatability
matrix of the various programs with respect to the sample frames.
We should also open the 2.4 spec up for comments, but restrict it
solely to clarifications.
I want to make a separate document that updates the programming
guidelines and discusses how to write "safe" tags.
Comments? Who is with me?
So, I finally got around to starting work on this. I have a wiki set
up with some rudimentary content. I will be revising and adding
stuff. Please look, comment, and add to it!
Hi Ben - I guess we think alike. I was going to announce this and seek
a few testers, but might as well put our efforts together.

Here's the id3.org wiki, freshly setup over 8hrs yesterday and a few
hours a month before - been busy with work you know.


If anyone on this list wants to be an Editor, just create an account on
this page http://id3.org/id3/UserPreferences and email me your WikiName
and I'll put you in the EditorsGroup.

Ben, sorry that we both were doing things. I hope we can work together.
The wiki at id3.org will become the default for id3.org once people
have tested it a bit.


Ben Bennett
2006-12-18 00:33:56 UTC
Post by Dan O'Neill
Hi Ben - I guess we think alike. I was going to announce this and seek
a few testers, but might as well put our efforts together.
Argh. I wish you had said something when I announced my intent to
create this a while ago. Anyway, it is better to pool resources so I
gladly defer to your wiki.
Post by Dan O'Neill
If anyone on this list wants to be an Editor, just create an account on
this page http://id3.org/id3/UserPreferences and email me your WikiName
and I'll put you in the EditorsGroup.
I created BenBennett. Is it possible that we can make the world able
to edit? The studies of Wikipedia seem to indicate that first-time
people generate the backbone of wikipedia by writing long articles on
topics they know. Whereas the hard-core wikipedia people polish and
edit the articles.
Post by Dan O'Neill
Ben, sorry that we both were doing things. I hope we can work together.
Certainly. I will move over my notes on custom tags. The rest of the
content was just marking up the specs into an annotatable form. And
adding links, and cross-references. Unfortunately the moinmoin markup
appears to be a bit different from the wikimedia one.
Post by Dan O'Neill
The wiki at id3.org will become the default for id3.org once people
have tested it a bit.
Sounds good. Although I think the published specs need to be frozen
somehow. It would be nice to have an annotated version as long as it
is noted as not being authoritative.

Dan O'Neill
2006-12-21 07:58:12 UTC
Post by Ben Bennett
I created BenBennett. Is it possible that we can make the world able
to edit? The studies of Wikipedia seem to indicate that first-time
people generate the backbone of wikipedia by writing long articles on
topics they know. Whereas the hard-core wikipedia people polish and
edit the articles.
I added BenBennett to the EditorsGroup. The wiki is live as the default
for id3.org. At the moment I'm going to defer to adding Editors upon
request. There is one page that can be edited by anyone who is logged
into their account. http://www.id3.org/Implementations
Post by Ben Bennett
Sounds good. Although I think the published specs need to be frozen
somehow. It would be nice to have an annotated version as long as it
is noted as not being authoritative.
Good suggestion. The existing standards have been frozen to
modification only by their respective authors.

Legacy URL's have been rewritten and redirected so that external links
continue to get people to the right pages.

Of course, if you notice bugs or oddities, please send a note to me or
this list.


