ID3v2.4 tag footer
Veena Mohan
2010-01-18 07:29:59 UTC

I am currently trying to understanding the tag footer of ID3v2.4.

So far none I am not able to identify a tool to add the tag footer in a ID3v2.4.
Can someone help me with a compliance test-suite of ID3v2.4 streams, especially
with a tag footer in place for ID32.4?

Mathias Kunter
2010-01-21 13:32:30 UTC
Hi Veena,

I'm also not aware of a tagging tool where you can explicitly add ID3 v 2.4 tag footers. However, using ID3 tag footers generally decreases compatibility with other ID3 implementations because not all implementations handle them correctly (or consider them at all). You don't need a tag footer anyway except when appending an ID3 version 2 tag to the end of a file - and this drastically reduces compatibility again (most implementations don't support appended ID3 version 2 tags).

In order to maximize compatibility, I'd therefore suggest to handle ID3 v 2.4 tag footers as follows:
--> Don't write a footer to a new or existing prepended ID3 v 2 tag.
--> If already present, delete a footer from an existing prepended ID3 v 2 tag.
--> Move an appended ID3 v 2 tag to the beginning of the file, and delete the footer.

Mathias K.

Von: Veena Mohan <***@gmail.com>
An: ***@id3.org
Gesendet: Montag, den 18. Januar 2010, 8:29:59 Uhr
Betreff: [ID3 Dev] ID3v2.4 tag footer


I am currently trying to understanding the tag footer of ID3v2.4.

So far none I am not able to identify a tool to add the tag footer in a ID3v2.4.
Can someone help me with a compliance test-suite of ID3v2.4 streams, especially
with a tag footer in place for ID32.4?


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